About Me

My name is Matt Borle and I'm a Computer Scientist from Canada.

In the Computer Science world I've had experience with reactive web design, algorithm analysis and implementation, massively parallel computing and several fields of study that interested me such as robotics. As of right now my focus is on multiple projects.

Beyond Computer Science I enjoy the occasional creative project such as games, art, music and media (the enjoyable sort).

About This Website

Recently I found a few old projects I had forgotten about. I thought I should create a space where I can share these projects for both a unified personal backup as well as a means to distribute my own work. Anything I share here is mine or an external link to something I've worked on.

As of writing this, there may only be only one project visible here. This is an actively changing website and I intend to update it as I go. So with that there will be periods where there may be projects missing or project pages broken. This is due partially to my own intentions as well as a test of my automatic pull/update/deploy pipeline. For the most part though, anything you come here for is likely to stick around indefinitely.


Version 0.0.2


Node.js, React, Next.js, P5.js, NGINX